Museum Storage
Storage methods can have a major impact on the size and configuration of museum space, with large cost implications for building design.
Strategic Storage Systems
Thorough analysis is required on various storage system options, structural loading requirements, amount of built floor space and future expansion to deliver a successful project. Whittan has over 70 years’ experience of advising curators, archivists, collection managers and conservators on all these considerations and more. This has led to us developing a range of storage products and tailoring our project management, installation, and maintenance services specifically to meet your needs.
Expert Consultation
With our design and installation services we ensure that your storage solution makes the best of the space you have available, no matter how small or large that may be. We have been pre-tendered by the Crown Commercial Service. This competitive tendering process gives you the assurance that every item is of high quality, fit for purpose, competitively priced and complies with statutory requirements.
Reliable Storage Solutions
For refurbishment, conversion, and new build projects we have the products and expertise you can rely on. The needs of our customers are continually changing as their professions understanding of best practice grows. We have long standing relationships with various relevant Associations to help us understand these developments and improve our products and services in line with the latest thinking.
Personalised Design and Planning Services
We offer a FREE OF CHARGE, no obligation design and space planning service. Experienced technical managers will attend your site, review your current storage and storage media, before measuring and planning out your new area. We will then provide a detailed quotation, layout drawing and technical detail.
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